Studio Civitare

Villavetro Campus Competition Proposal Contest For The Construction Of A Student Residence FREE STUDENT ARCHITECTURE COMPETITION

Register June 18, 2019 | Submit June18, 2019 | Free Student Architecture Competitions



Villavetro Campus Competition Proposal Contest For The Construction Of A Student Residence



Project for a Student Residence in the beautiful Italian locality of Villavetro di Gargnano, on Lake Garda, Italy.

Villavetro Campus Competition is an ideas competition for the awarding of a student prize. The Contest is reserved for students in the final two years of all Italian and foreign degree courses in Architecture, Engineering, or Landscape Design at all Universities, Art Schools, or other Design Faculties that specialise in Urban, Architectural, and Landscape Design.

Participating students can register individually or as a group.

The purpose of this Ideas Competition is to acquire projects and to identify a winning entry for the construction of a “Student Residence” and an attached “Service Building” connected to the existing “Canipa” in the locality of Villavetro di Gargnano, having the characteristics described in the Technical Regulations of the PGT [Territorial Governance Plan] of Gargnano and as is more comprehensively described in the documentation provided by the Competition Organiser.



Submission deadline: June 18th, 2019



Winner: €3000









For more information about this competition, please contact us.