SOTA Catalyst Award Call for Entries

Register April 16th, 2018 | Submit April 16th, 2018 |



SOTA Catalyst Award

Call for Entries



The Society of Typographic Aficionados is pleased to announce the ninth annual SOTA Catalyst Award. The award is targeted at young people who have created original work in type design, type history, or other areas related to typography. The award recognizes a person 25 years of age or younger who shows both achievement and future promise in the field of typography. The purpose of the award is to act as a catalyst in the career of a young person who does not yet have broad exposure in the profession.

The recipient will be awarded up to $2,000 USD in reimbursement for transportation and lodging expenses to attend the TypeCon2018 conference in Portland, Oregon — August 1st to 5th. They will also have their conference registration fee paid for and be required to give a 20-minute presentation during the main conference program. Recipients must be able to attend the conference from Thursday to Sunday.

The SOTA Catalyst Award is fully funded by The Society of Typographic Aficionados, an international not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion, study, and support of type, its history and development, its use in the world of print and digital imagery, its designers, and its admirers.



DEADLINE April 16th, 2018



Rick Griffith
Ksenya Samarskaya
Vince Mitchell
Nicole Dotin
Mark Caneso