Architecture Competitions | Site Cultural Center – Moura, Beja, Portugal
Registration March 26, 2018 – Submission March 31, 2018
Site Cultural Center – Moura, Beja, Portugal – Competition
This international one-stage architecture ideas competition invites all architecture students, young architects and young professionals with a degree in architecture studies (? 40 years old) to develop and submit compelling ideas for the design of a Site Cultural Center located near the remarkable remains of the medieval watchtower Atalaia Magra near Moura, Beja, Portugal.
The Atalaia Magra remains are a landmark of great cultural heritage and historical significance with characteristics that must be fully preserved.
When generating a vision for an intervention located within such a spectacular place, it is essential that each design proposal emphasises, respects and celebrates the site and existing ruins, while providing visitors with a unique experience.
The Site Cultural Center aims to create a new destination point where diverse activities for the local community and visitors take place; a shaded space within which to sit and engage with the landscape while visiting the remarkable Atalaia Magra remains. The overall design should be sensitive to the historical remains and enhance the singularity of an experience within this unique setting. There are no limitations in height and excavation.
The Site Cultural Center aims to create a new destination point where diverse activities for the local community and visitors take place; a shaded space within which to sit and engage with the landscape while visiting the remarkable Atalaia Magra remains. The overall design should be sensitive to the historical remains and enhance the singularity of an experience within this unique setting.
The jury members will award three prizes and seven honorable mentions.
1st Prize >> 2000 € (Two thousand euros)
2nd Prize >> 1000 € (One thousand euros)
3rd Prize >> 500 € (Five hundred euros)
7 Honorable Mentions
All submissions will be published on the ArkxSite website. All reasonable efforts will be made to publish and promote the winners and honorable mentions in architectural magazines and blogs worldwide; however, such results will rely on agreements made between the publication entities and ArkxSite.
Competition opening >> December 08, 2017
FAQ questions deadline >> February 21, 2018
FAQ answers posted >> February 28, 2018
Early Registration period >> December 08 – February 12, 2018
Regular Registration period >> February 13 – March 15, 2018
Late Registration period >> March 16 – March 26, 2018
Submission Deadline >> March 31, 2018
Jury Evaluation >> April 13 – April 27, 2018
Competition Results >> May 18, 2018
The competition is open to all architecture students (undergraduate, graduate, master, PhD, etc.), young architects and young professionals with a degree in architecture studies (? 40 years old).
Early registration period >> December 08 – February 12, 2018 >> 60€ + VAT
Regular registration period >> February 13 – March 15, 2018 >> 75€ + VAT
Late registration period >> March 16 – March 26, 2018 >> 90€ + VAT