Studio Civitare

RESHAPE 18 COMPETITION Architecture Competition

Register 31st of Aug. 2018 | Submit 31st of Aug. 2018 |




Noumena and IN(3D)USTRY From Needs to Solutions present the IV edition of RESHAPE competition.

RESHAPE 18 | Sensing materialities focuses on customized garments or products, promoting a healthy living for individuals on everyday basis.

This edition of RESHAPE is split into two categories: wearables and consumer goods.We seek for a wide variety of applications, spanning from fashion tech and prosthetics solutions negotiating with our own bodies, to intelligent products assisting us in our daily activities. RESHAPE 18 challenges makers and designers to present their innovative proposals sharing their solutions among the distributed frame of research and application. State-of-the-art fabrication techniques are required to facilitate the creation of tailored products that tackle daily problematics, such as respiration, contamination, harmful body postures, disabilities, and stress with the intention to improve the quality of our lives.
RESHAPE 18 seeks innovative design solutions, proven by digitally fabricated prototypes. Interdisciplinary processes, experimental approaches, and innovative design strategies are required to become the new pioneers of this digital era.

Welcome to Reshape 18 | Sensing materialities!


19th of Apr. 2018
31st of Aug. 2018

31st of Aug. 2018

The Reshape Honorary Mentions and Nominations winners will have the opportunity to pitch their project at the Reshape Forum Audience. The Reshape winner will be announced at the AWARD CEREMONY, with up to 2000 €  of financial support.

The jury members will select up to 10 projects to nominate for prize consideration. From the selected projects will be decided three prize-winning projects and up to seven honorary mentions, which will be included in the online platform of RESHAPE and will be invited to participate to the RESHAPE FORUM.


The registration fee for each submissions is 30,00 € and is necessary for receiving the entry identification code.


Jury members for the category

Bradly Dunn Klerks

Sr Innovation expert for the arts and technology.

Laia Mogas-Soldevila

Based at the Living Materials Silklab at Tufts Biomedical Engineering.

Valerie Bergeron

Director of Materfad – material center of Barcelona

Anastasia Pistofidou

Director of the FabTextile and Founder of Fabricademy.

Jury members for the category

Claudia Pasquero

Director of ecoLogicStudio an architectural and urban design studio.

Augusto Guardiola

Marcelo Vilá Strategy Committee member

Alessandro  Manetti

Director del IED Barcelona.

Gaia Danese

Consul of Italy in Barcelona