Studio Civitare

OneMorePack 2018 Competition – V Edizione | Architecture Competitions

Register March 31, 2018 | Submit March 31, 2018 |



OneMorePack 2018

V Edizione



On the one hand the professionals of communication agencies, companies, designers and freelance graphic designers, who can compete for one or more categories: food, no food, visual and label. On the other, students from universities and design colleges, who will challenge each other by designing a packaging system for HP.

The registrations will close on March 31st. After the preselection, by an internal jury, the jury will decide the winner of the four categories and the mentions of the professionals and the first, second and third place in the competition reserved for adult students. On the web, the public will assign the mention “best creativity”. The appointment to discover the winners is set in June, in Naples. Guest speaker of the final event Lorenzo Marini.



Deadline March 31, 2018



Euro 8.000,00 + IVA