Mercado Modelo de Montevideo | FREE ARCHITECTURE COMPETITION 2018
Register March 19, 2018 | Submit April 6, 2018 | FREE ARCHITECTURE COMPETITION
Mercado Modelo de Montevideo
The objective of the initiative is to open urban options for the Model Market and its surroundings through the participation of national and foreign technicians who project innovative and possible uses.
The contest is organized by the Municipality of Montevideo and the Food Unit of Montevideo. It has the support of the Departmental Board of Montevideo and the municipality D; and under the auspices of the Ministry of Housing, Territorial Planning and the Environment; the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of the Republic; the Society of Architects of Uruguay; the Pan-American Federation of Associations of Architects and the Association of Private Promoters of Construction of Uruguay.
In the area of action coexist paths and urban histories, diverse uses, barrios de amanzanado and traditional parcelario, modern housing complexes, industries and equipment.
Keys to territorial policy
The contest aims to ask about the immediate and mediate future of this area of Montevideo.
Some public policy keys to consider in the reconversion and activation of the area after the transfer of the Model Market are:
The economic, social and environmental sustainability of the entire operation, with an injection of departmental public resources that may be generated with this same operation.
The attraction of resources by private and public interventions that dynamize the area and improve the urban qualities.
The interest of the Intendance to revitalize the area, qualify the habitat and especially the public space, encourage the installation of activities that generate local employment and contribute to socio-territorial inclusion, taking advantage of its great status as a barycenter of the urban area, good existing infrastructures , the recent transformations of the nearest territory and recognize the components that make up the local identity.
The road structurers that link the sector with the rest of the city are:
José Batlle y Ordóñez Boulevard, former Camino de los Propios of the colonial era, today an important vehicular transit road that links the coast with the northwest periphery.
Damaso A. Larrañaga Avenue, continuation of the Centennial Avenue, which joins the Batlle Park and Ordóñez -where the Centenario Stadium is located- with the Maroñas Racetrack, structuring the sports center of the city.
The José Pedro Varela avenue, around which large facilities of national scope are being installed.
Register March 19, 2018
Submissions April 2 to 6, 2018
Two awards of USD 20,000 and a mention of USD 10,000 will be provided, free of other deductions in Uruguay; other honorable mentions might be awarded.
The jury will select up to twenty works for the corresponding exhibition. This number may increase depending on the number of works submitted, and the interest and quality of the proposals.
Arch. Ana Rivera, member appointed by the Produce Hub of Montevideo. Uruguayan architect. Director of the Territorial Planning Division of the
Government of Montevideo since January 2015. As a freelancer, and in her work as an official of the Government of Montevideo, she has conducted several studies and worked interritorial planning and management. She was an adviser to the director of the Territorial Planning Division between 2000 and 2006, of the Division
of Public Spaces, Habitat and Buildings between 2006 and 2010, and Coordinator of the Produce Hub of Montevideo Project between 2010 and 2014
Arch. Ernesto Spósito, member appointed by the Government of Montevideo. Uruguayan architect holder of a Master’s Degree in Restoration
of Architectural Monuments awarded by the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia). Director of the Heritage Protection Unit of the Government of Montevideo. He has been teaching since 1985 in cultural heritage and urban planning at graduate and post-graduate courses in Uruguay, Brazil and
Colombia. In his professional activity he has worked in the areas of urban planning and management. He is the author and co-author of several papers, and has published articles in international journals.
Arch. Jose Freitas, member appointed by the Ministry of Housing, Land-Use Planning and the Environment. Uruguayan architect. National Director of Land-Use Planning of the Ministry of Housing, Land-Use Planning and the Environment. Departmental Councilor in the 2000-2005 period. Between
2011 and 2015 he was Director of the Directorate of Planning, Land Management and Urban Development of the Government of Canelones.
He works independently in projects related to territorial planning and urban design. He has been full professor of the Urbanism Workshop at Universidad ORT since 2011.
Arch. Francesco Comerci, member appointed by the School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of UdelaR. Uruguayan architect. Full Professor at the Architectural Project course of the School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of UdelaR in Uruguay. He works professionally as a freelance designer. His works have received various awards and have been included in national and international publications, among the Primero de Mayo Square and the Training Center for Spanish Cooperation, both in Montevideo.
Arch. Gustavo Scheps,
member appointed by the Uruguayan Association of Architects. PhD in Architecture. He was Dean and Full Professor at the Architectural Project course of the School of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of UdelaR in Uruguay until October of 2017. He works professionally as a freelance designer. His works have received various awards and have been included in several national and international publications. Author of a number of texts—books and articles—focused on disciplinary reflection. Member of the Board of Juries of the Uruguayan Association of Architects.
Arch. Hebert Ariel Cagnoli, member appointed by the Association of Private Promoters of Construction in Uruguay. Uruguayan architect. He projected and led numerous projects in his own firm, jointly with architects Alberto Valenti and Arturo Silva Montero, and currently architect Santiago Cagnoli (son). As a real estate developer, he has implemented several projects in Montevideo and Punta del Este. He participated in several architectural competitions, winning first prize in the Bus Terminal in Punta del Este, the Parador Salto Grande, and second prize at the Police Hospital competition, among others. He was a member of the Board of the Association of Private Promoters of Construction in Uruguay for over twelve years. He was its president from 2008 to 2015