Register April 30th, 2018 | Submit April 30th, 2018 |
Interieur Awards 2018
Call for Objects
Why participate
Winning is the beginning: it guarantees the exhibition and realisation of your project.
Taking part brings numerous industry contacts and media visibility
The Interieur Awards are open to anybody with interest and skills in design and architecture, as an individual or a group. There are no geographical neither age limitations
Deadline April 30th, 2018
The Biennale Interieur will award a Grand Prize of 2,500 euro to the winning object. The Grand Prize winner and the selected winning entries chosen by the jury, will be on display with their prototypes in an exhibition for some 70,000 visitors. Selection also guarantees an extensive communication.
Why is there a €125 registration fee?
The fee guarantees well-considered submissions by those who really want to go for it and allows us to welcome a high-profile international jury.
Please note that this registration fee only applies for 1 single object. If you wish to submit several objects, you have to pay as much registrations fees as objects.
Entries for the Interieur Awards will be judged anonymously by an international jury. Its members are prominent international professionals with relevant knowledge and expertise within the general field of design.
In May 2018 Sebastian Herkner (DE), Alain Gilles (BE), Patrizia Moroso (IT) and Tom Morris (UK) will judge the entries.