Studio Civitare

#HERCULANEUMCALL | Architecture Competitions

Registration 15th April 2018 | Submission 15th April 2018 |



Restauration school for the acient city




Ercolano is a city of ancient origins, the testimonies of the first settlements date back to 1243 a.C. In 89 a.C. it became a Roman colony but the age of the empire lasted about two centuries because the terrible eruption of Vesuvius hit the area in 79 d.C. covering the city under a lava blanket. In the eighteenth century, during the Bourbon empire, the first excavation works were started which and, thanks to the first discoveries, contributed to the birth of the Neoclassical movement. It is necessary to wait until 1927 for the area of the archaeological park to be almost totally freed to be delivered to the present day during which programmatic maintenance works keeps intact the beauty of the site.
THE SCHOOL OF RESTORATION, in close contact with the archaeological site, must be imagined as the place where to form the new generations of restorers; the students will make the nearby ancient park the place where to apply the theoretical dictates learned. The school, in addition to being an educational center and an important element of urban reactivation, will become a contemporary sign capable of understanding in the relationship with the ancient an interesting bridge between the ages.



There is no limit for the competition. I allowed to contest all those who want to deal with the theme proposed, whatever their country of origin.
There are no age limits, can enroll graduate students, graduates or professionals.
You can participate as an individual or as a group (max 5 components). In the second case it is necessary to elect a leader to have a contact person to which official communications.
Each participant may submit only one project and not be part of more than one grouping.
All competitors have the same rights and must fulfill the same obligations. Groups can be mixed or use more professional, they may be made simultaneously by graduate and undergraduate students.


The winners will be announced on the website of the Association no later than the date of 30thof April 2018. Will be deserving the first three works as well as any other projects which are not excluded special mentions.
The winner will receive a prize of 500,00 euro (excluding TAX) for each participant.


SPECIAL ENTRY: from 08th January – 09th February the fee entry is of 15,00 euro for who will use PayPal, 20,00 euro for who will use bank transfer.

ORDINARY ENTRY: from 10th February – 30th March the fee is of 20,00 euro for who will use payPal, 25,00 euro for who will use bank transfer.

EXTRAORDINARY ENTRY: from 31th March – 15th April the fee is of 25,00 euro for who will use payPal, 30,00 euro for who will use bank transfer.