FESTIVAL INSÒLIT 2018 Architecture Competitions

Register 19th March 2018 | Submit 19th March 2018 | FREE ARCHITECTURE COMPETITION






INSÒLIT is a Temporary Installations Festival in the Patios of Palma that aims to promote the city’s rich architectural heritage through temporary creative activities.

INSÒLIT is a cross-disciplinary event that uses cultural action to respond to and bring together three key aspects of Mallorca’s territory: culture, heritage and creativity, focussing its efforts on the city of Palma, more specifically its Old Town, where these three factors converge.

La Insòlita. Plataforma de Iniciativas para la Acción Cultural (Initiatives Platform for Cultural Action), the commissioner of the INSÒLIT Festival, has organised a public competition to select temporary installations that will be constructed in the patios that are part of the 2017 INSÒLIT Festival.


11:00pm on 19th March 2018: Deadline for proposal submission
2nd April 2018: Publication of the judges’ decision
9th and 10th July 2018: Assembly of temporary exhibitions
11th-15th July 2018: INSÒLIT Festival
15th July 2018 / 16th July 2018: Disassembly of ephemeral installations. The day and time for disassembly shall be confirmed at a later stage.


With the aim of recognising the artists’ work and creativity, INSÒLIT shall award one prize at the end of the Festival.
– Judges’ prize:
A panel of judges comprised by different individuals from the world of design, architecture and creation will evaluate the installations constructed in the patios and award a prize for outstanding achievement.



Francisca Lladó Pol

Biel Huguet

Erik Herrera Iturat





