Studio Civitare

Festival des Architectures Vives in Montpellier

Register December 3, 2018 | Submit December 3, 2018 |



Festival des Architectures Vives in Montpellier



On the occasion of the 14th Festival des Architectures Vives in Montpellier, the association Champ Libre sends a call for submissions in order to realize 10 interventions in Montpellier.
The Festival is located in the heart of Montpellier; it will take place in the city center more specifically in the mansions’ courtyards, proposing a path to the visitors, kind of architectural discovery of the city center.
The objectives of the FAV are on one hand, to open to inhabitants, during the Festival these symbolic places and on the other hand – thanks to creators teams intervention which will present a specific work to every place – to reveal an intimate relationship between contemporary architecture, installation and patrimonial site.



Applications files have to be receipted before: Monday, December 3rd, 2018 at midnight, French Time
(GMT +1 / date of emission of email as attested.)



The festival will take place from the 11th to the 16th of June 2019. The construction of every installation will take place from June the 5th to 10th by the team itself, and the disassembly June the 17 th.

It will be possible to visit the sites during a tour organized in January.

A subsidy of 1 000,00 € TTC will be assigned to each of the 10 realized projects.
A book of the 14th edition presenting the realizations will be published at the end of the year 2019.
Specific constraints: Installations will take place in the courtyards of private mansion; they must take into account the specific conditions of occupation and not to harm the inhabitants or the built environment. The safety of visitors and locals, day and night must be ensured.










For more information about this competition, please contact us.