Studio Civitare

The European Award for Architectural Heritage intervention AADIPA Architecture Competition

Register April 5, 2019 | Submit April 5, 2019 | ARCHITECTURE COMPETITIONS



The European Award for Architectural Heritage intervention AADIPA



The European Award for Architectural Heritage intervention AADIPA is a biennial contest organized with the support of COAC (Association of Architects of Catalonia) and AADIPA (Association of Architects for the Defence and Intervention in Architectural Heritage), the purpose of which is to distinguish quality heritage interventions and contribute to their disclosure.
The contest is aimed at consolidating itself as a catalyst and observatory of new challenges, as well as conserving and intervening in built heritage through the globalization of contemporary architecture.



December 17th, 2018
Publication of the contest rules and opening of the call
December 17th, 2018 – April 5th, 2019
Registration period and presentation of projects
April – May 2019
Evaluation period of the projects by the jury
End of May 2019
Publication of selected projects

13 June 2019

Jury decision and Award ceremony



The jury will give their verdict at the award ceremony to take place in June 2019 in the city of Barcelona within the framework of the International Biennial of Architectural Heritage.
The awards for each category will be as follows: Category A: from of a maximum selection of 15, 1 award and 3 finalists will be established. Category B: from of a maximum selection of 10, 1 award and 3 finalists will be established. Category C: 1 award and 3 finalists. Category D: 1 award and 3 finalists.

In addition, from all the work presented, the award organization, will concede a Special Restoration Award to the intervention which from a technical and methodological point of view stands out for its quality, precision and respect.-.
The organization reserves the right to declare any award category vacant, stating the appropriate reason on record. The winners will be awarded a framed reproduction of an original photograph by Francesc Català Roca from the historical archive of COAC. The finalists and those selected will receive a diploma.
The winning entries, finalists, those selected and submitted works will be part of Award Archive and the catalogue published for each issue to document the event. Likewise, they will be part of an exhibition and/or participate in a conference to describe their work.



The registration fee is 70 Euros (VAT included) for general entries and 60 Euro (VAT included) for AADIPA members. Prices are for each piece of work submitted to the Award.



The Jury of the third edition consisted of:
Category A. Intervention in built heritage: Inês Vieira da Silva, Ignacio Pedrosa y Marc Aureli Santos
Category B. Exterior spaces: Ian Mcknight, Celestino García Braña y Pere Buil
Category C. Urban Planning:  Alessandro Alì, Carles Enrich y Cristina Mata
Category D. Disclosure: Carsten Hanssen, Fernando Cobos y Montserrat Villaverde
The Jury of the second edition consisted of:
Category A: Antón Capitel, Toni Gironés and Malgorzata Rozbicka
Category B: Joaquín Pérez, Jose Luís Infanzón and Giuseppe Lonetti
Category C:  Antoni Vilanova, Sonia Puente Landázuri and Cristophe Graz
Category D: Raquel Lacuesta, Miguel Angel Troitiño
The Jury of the first edition consisted of:
Category A: Antoni Navarro, Francisco Jurado, Dario Dattilo
Category B: Josep Miàs, Francisco Pol, Marcos Cruz
Category C: Jordi Rogent, Javier Fernández, Jean-Yves Quai
Category D: Josep Maria Montaner, Ascensión Hernández, M. Pierre-Marie Tricaud







For more information about this competition, please contact us.