Cities for our Future Challenge

Register 31 May 2018 | Submit 31 May 2018 | FREE ARCHITECTURE COMPETITION



Cities for our Future Challenge




The Cities for our Future Challenge is a global competition run by the Royal Institution Of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in partnership with UNESCO UKNC and the ACU.

Are you an imaginative, problem solving young professional, start up or student involved in surveying, urban design, architecture,or engineering? Then share your transformative ideas for projects and policies that solve some of the defining issues of our time: Rapid Urbanisation, Climate Change and Resource Scarcity.

The winner will receive a £50,000 prize and mentoring with industry experts to bring their idea to life.


Submit your idea by 31 May 2018.

Submit your entry by selecting a challenge by core topic and region of the world. The best entries will be shortlisted in June 2018, and each entrant will receive mentoring from a RICS professional to help develop their idea ready for the final global judging.

An international judging panel will select the final winner from the shortlisted applicants in November 2018.


£50,000 for a city changing idea”
A £50,000 prize will be awarded to the winner, and their idea could be made into a prototype that makes a positive contribution to the world. You will also get the chance to build your professional profile at an international level, potentially kick start a rewarding and varied career, and work with experts within the surveying industry.