Studio Civitare

Architecture Competitions | Camera di Commercio Metropolitana di Milano-Monza-Brianza-Lodi

Registration Apr 1, 2018 | Submission Apr 1, 2018 | Free Architecture Competition |

Camera di Commercio Metropolitana di Milano-Monza-Brianza-Lodi – Competition




The Camera di Commercio Metropolitana di Milano-Monza-Brianza-Lodi announces an international design competition for the redevelopment of the building complex in via delle Orsole 4, located in Milan, with an open procedure, whose object is the acquisition, after completion of the second degree, of a project with a level of depth similar to that of a technical and economic feasibility project.


The competition, open to architects and engineers, is divided into two degrees in an anonymous form.


The main deadlines for the Competition procedure are the following:

09.02.2018 at 17:00:00 – Deadline for receipt of clarification requests for the first degree;
16.02.2018 at 17:00:00 – Deadline for publication of the answers to the clarification requests received by 09.02.2018 for the first degree;
01.03.2018 hours 12.00pm – Deadline for receipt of project proposals related to the first degree;
12.03.2018 10:30 am – First public session of the Commission of selection, for the reading or publication of the alphanumeric codes attributed by the telematic system to the various proposals;
22.03.2018 15:00:00 – Communication of the project proposals admitted to the second degree of the competition;
02.05.2018 at 17:00:00 – Deadline for receipt of requests for clarification for the second degree;
10.05.2018 at 17:00:00 – Deadline for the publication of the answers to the questions formulated for the second degree;
24.05.2018 hours 12.00pm – Deadline for receipt of project proposals related to the second degree;


The winner of the competition will receive a prize of € 60,000.00 (net of VAT and any other legal charge).
A prize of € 20,000.00 (net of VAT and any other legal charge) is awarded to the second classified competitor.
A prize of € 12,000.00 (net of VAT and any other legal charge) is recognized for the third-ranked competitor.
Each of the following 7 (seven) competitors will receive a reimbursement of € 4,000.00 (net of VAT and any other legal charge).