Studio Civitare

BraunPrize 2018 | design for what matters | ARCHITECTURE COMPETITION

Register 20th Mar, 2018 | Submit 20th Mar, 2018 | Free Architecture Competition



BraunPrize 2018

design for what matters


The BraunPrize 2018 challenges creative minds to envision design concepts that matter. Our world is becoming increasingly complex – our focus should be on what is essential, on creating truly better solutions and experiences. By taking on global problems or simply improving the quality of individual lives, we want to encourage innovation that can be virtual or physical, scientific or technical, or that changes our behavior for the better. Awards will go to exceptional ideas and product design concepts – 2 or 3 dimensional, including interactive that offer progress and improvement, that are significant, substantial, and meaningful: design for what matters.



20th Sep, 2017 to 20th Mar, 2018




Prize Money: $75,000



Free of charge



Prof. Oliver Grabes – Head of Braun Design and Chairman of the BraunPrize
Dr. Fritz Eichler – Chaired the jury from the first competition until 1989
Prof. Dieter Rams – Chaired the jury until 1995
Peter Schneider – Chaired the jury from 1999 until 2009
Prof. Oliver Grabes – Chairs the jury since 2012