Register February 4th, 2018 | Submit February 4th, 2018 |
BRACKET [on sharing]
Call For Submissions
Sharing is one of the humanity’s most basic traits; we intrinsically recognize the benefits of pooling resources within a community in order take advantage of varied abilities and access in order to fulfill needs. Sharing is the key driver behind civilization’s move towards collective living – first in small settlements and eventually in megalopoleis. The impact of sharing goes beyond simply satisfying the necessities for survival and extends itself into the social and cultural dimensions of our communities. In constructing an urban commons, composed of collectively managed and shared resources, we shape our physical, social, and cultural environments to achieve some degree of shareabilty – whether of goods, services, or experiences.
These historic and evolved cultural roots ensure that sharing is inevitably part of our daily lives. Yet, its central role in how we organize and manage our cities is increasingly threatened. Specifically, the resources previously contained within the commons are slipping into privatized forms of management. Commodifying elements of the public realm, such as energy, space, water, transportation and education, among others, has fragmented the commons and led to major, now too familiar, issues of injustice and inequality. Within a context of increased emphasis on the individual and privatization of the commons, sharing holds much promise for re-evaluating our economic, political, and social relations to equitably distribute resources and services at the scale of both the individual and the collective.
The prevalence of the sharing economy in cultural discourse has reconfirmed many of the benefits of collectivity by readdressing how we think about time, space, and excess. Yet, its deep connection with commerce prevents us from focusing on a holistic sharing practice that goes beyond economic transactions to include socio-political activities. Further, there has been little critical reflection on what Rebecca Solnit has termed the ‘Sharecropping Economy’ to understand how the commons is transforming with the convergence of physical and virtual space. Bracket 5 will examine the growing potential for sharing today—from innovative technologies to gritty resourcefulness.
Administration Entry Fee of $15.00 USD
Neeraj Bhatia
Maya Przybylski
Ana Miljacki
Anna Puigjaner
Andrés Jaque
Markus Miessen
Jeremy Till
V. Mitch McEwen