Studio Civitare

ARCASIA Travel Prize 2018: Kumiki – Call For Young Architects

Register May 15, 2018 | Submit May 15, 2018 |



ARCASIA Travel Prize 2018: Kumiki

Call For Young Architects



Call For Young Architects:

The ARCASIA Travel Prize in Architecture is the travel and research scholarship given to Young Architects of ARCASIA (40 years and under) who are members of the architect institute of their country. The prize aims to promote research in selected fields of study, encourage cross border education as well as foster cultural exchange between nations and institutes. Sponsored by NS Bluescope (Thailand), this year is the third year of the ARCASIA Travel Prize.

Hida & Tokyo Japan:

For 2018, the ARCASIA Travel Prize will enable Young Architects to travel and conduct design research in Japan on the topic of wood materials and techniques. Hida – a region 300 kilometers west of Tokyo – will be the primary location for conducting the Travel Prize design research. Hida is a rich and abundant natural and cultural landscape consisting of forests, mountainous environment, townscape and KUMIKI – the traditional wood joinery and craft renowned throughout the world.

During their stay in Hida, 3 awardees will participate in an intensive training course on wood materials. They will be provided guidance and will be required to actively engage with local skills and materials. Featured activities include sketching, photography, design, fabrication, prototyping and wood tooling while working individually and collectively with the local resources and environment.

2018 Travel Award:

Three (3) young architects will be awarded – one each from the three (3) zones of ARCASIA. ARCASIA will organize and provide travel and expenses to the winners for the purpose of travel and study in Japan. During their stay in Japan, the three Awardees shall conduct research under the guidance of Japanese experts and craftsmen.

The three awardees will then present their work at the end of their stay in Hida and in Tokyo at the ACA 18 (18th Asian Congress of Architects) Conference.

The period of travel for the awardees is scheduled from September 1 to 14, 2018.



Deadline for Submissions: May 15, 2018
Announcement of Winners: June 1, 2018
Travel period to Hida, Japan: September 1-11, 2018
Presentation and attendance at ACA18 Tokyo: September 11-14, 2018
ARCASIA reserves the right to revise scheduled dates as necessary